Here is a fantastic example of how your career could stall if you do not make a move at the right time: Note, you may end up being comparatively underpaid even if you stick around and get promoted-according to research, the average salary increase when changing jobs is nearly 15%. You should know your worth and make a move after having acquired all possible knowledge in a particular role at a company.

If you have been following the news, thousands of professionals at Twitter were laid off overnight, one of whom worked at the organization for over 10 years! Brutal. Undercompensation Has Led You to Resentment If you no longer enjoy what you are doing, you have likely learned everything there is to know there or are not happy with the environment at work. (well, you just came back from a refreshing holiday!), it is time to quit your job.

If when you return the feeling remains the same or grows even larger If you wake up every morning resenting the prospect of heading to work, boy do you need a change of environment! Take a holiday and spend time with family and/or friends. It is at this point that you should consider your options, as the organization’s future standing could affect your credibility. Is incompetent, the company is unlikely to achieve its overarching goals and/or succeed in the long run. Either way, after having spent considerable time gauging the working of the organization, if you feel it is not functioning effectively, or the hierarchy You may have joined a company that is currently in a good space or experiencing trying times. Source: jenn lim ( ) The Company Is Not Moving in the Right Direction Your happiness always comes first and working in a toxic environment is NOT an option. Not to be shouted at by your boss or bullied by colleagues, among other possibilities. You are working for a living, to make your family proud, bring food to your table and make a difference.
Even if you manage to create a boundary between your personal and professional lives, your mental health is quite If you do not feel happy at work owing to a toxic environment, it is likely the toxicity will seep into your personal life as well. Source: Nicole Fernandez-Valle ( ) Your Work Environment Has Become Toxic Upskill and learn all you need to know to obtain a promotion, and if a promotion is not handed in a reasonable time frame, start searching for a job elsewhere. There may come a point in time when you have learned everything there is to know in a particular role. The last thing you need is career stagnation. If you no longer feel challenged at work, it is probably best to move on.