Tim from met us at Innermost community garden in Mount Victoria, Wellington on a Sunday after lunch. A range of unusual mature trees and many different fruit trees showed testament to its previous botanical owner. So, we visited a pair of sisters who had started rescuing a neglected 10-acre property just out of Levin. We found the Makino Food Forest in Fielding online, however Rob wasn’t taking visitors at the time. It was pleasing to see their dedication to community and how their garden reaches across two neighboring properties as well. Ecothrifty is a blog detailing the eco-friendly renovation of an old wooden building and its accompanying urban permaculture garden example as well posts about all things sustainable. Wanganui had two delights to offer Nelson and Dani of Ecothrifty and Mark Christensen’s (member of Tree Crops Association) 5 acre property with lots of heritage fruit trees. One of the many different rare breed animals at Avonstour He also told us how animals really can do work his example was in preparation and return of the land used for a crop of hemp with no machines used. John Earney explained how animals bred for mass production of wool, meat, milk, eggs, etc., are inherently weak (and thus need chemical support in medication and fertilisers) whereas animals bred taking into account their living environment can be strong and need no chemicals whatsoever. Our next night at Avonstour near Stratford was an eye-opener about rare breed animals. We also visited Katikarā Eco Community in the Pouakai range which is looking for new members to help its resurrection from a period of decline.ĭee’s kitchen garden and view towards New Plymouth

Community efforts include a council approved walkway along a nearby stream with food tree plantings. Later, we met Kama who works at Greenbridge as well as lives in and nurtures community in her street.
During our stay here, we visited Bena and Daniel at Puriri Farmlet and talked about their full time consulting business called Greenbridge, as well as had a look around their property and re-located house renovation. Dee Turner is a passionate educator and gardener on a reasonably mature 10-acre Permaculture site. Our first stop was three nights at Korito Education located near the bottom of Mount Taranaki, New Plymouth. Our first trip was two weeks heading Southwest, down to Wellington and up the East coast and back around to Hamilton. Afterwards was a quick visit to the local rubbish dump to see .nz in action - waste materials can be used again in some way. A day trip to Raglan introduced us to Solscape - eco friendly accommodation, retreat, and education in a stunning location. Our base was Hamilton because my dad lives there. We spent 6 weeks in New Zealand recently and during that time tried to visit as many Permaculture projects as we could find and fit in.